Friday, 13 December 2013

Shoring Technique


Shoring is a general term used in construction to describe the process of supporting a structure in order to prevent collapse so that construction can proceed. The phrase can also be used as a noun to refer to the Buildings- It is used to support the beams and floors in a building while a column or wall is removed. In this situation vertical supports are used as a temporary replacement for the building columns or walls.
Trenches - During excavation, shoring systems provide safety for workers in a trench and speed excavation. In this case, shoring should not be confused with shielding. Shoring is designed to prevent collapse where shielding is only designed to protect workers when collapses occur. Concrete structures shoring, in this case also referred to as falsework, provides temporary support until the concrete becomes hard and achieves the desired strength to support loads. [1]
Ships - It is used on board when damage has been caused to a vessel's integrity, and to hold leak-stopping devices in place to reduce or stop incoming water. Generally consists of timber 100 mm x 100 mm and used in conjunction with wedges, to further jam shoring in place, pad pieces to spread the load and dogs to secure it together. also used on board is mechanical shoring as a quick, temporary solution, however it isn't favoured due to its inability to move with the vessel.

Raking Shore

Raking Shores consist of one or more timbers sloping between the face of the structure to be supported and the ground. The most effective support is given if the raker meets the wall at an angle of 60 to 70 degrees. A wall-plate is typically used to increase the area of support.
Shoring is commonly used when installing the foundation of a building. A shoring system such as piles and lagging or shotcrete will support the surrounding loads until the underground levels of the building are constructed.


Hydraulic Shoring
Hydraulic shoring is the use of hydraulic pistons that can be pumped outward until they press up against the trench walls. They are typically combined with steel plate or plywood, either being 1-1/8" thick plywood, or special heavy Finland Form (FINFORM) 7/8" thick.
Beam and Plate
Beam and Plate steel I-beams are driven into the ground and steel plates are slid in amongst them. A similar method that uses wood planks is called soldier boarding. Hydraulics tend to be faster and easier; the other methods tend to be used for longer term applications or larger excavations.
Soil Nailing
Soil nailing is a technique in which soil slopes, excavations or retaining walls are reinforced by the insertion of relatively slender elements - normally steel reinforcing bars. The bars are usually installed into a pre-drilled hole and then grouted into place or drilled and grouted simultaneously. They are usually installed untensioned at a slight downward inclination. A rigid or flexible facing (often sprayed concrete) or isolated soil nail heads may be used at the surface.
Continuous Flight Angering
Continuous Flight Augering (CFA) is a method used to create concrete piles to support soil so that excavation can take place nearby. A Continuous Flight Augering drill is used to excavate a hole and concrete is injected through a hollow shaft under pressure as the auger is extracted. This creates a continuous pile without ever leaving an open hole.[2]

Square Shoring

This consists of a timber member jammed on a pad piece on either the deck or deck head depending on water levels in the compartment and a strong point, this is called the proud. then the is a horizontal timber cut to size to fit between this and what it is shoring up, e.g. a splinter box, bulkhead or door. Timber wedges are then used to tighten up the structure if necessary
Vertical Shoring This is to support a hatch or splint box on the deck, consisting of a vertical timber between the deck and deck head, with to wedges used opposing each other to tighten it. pad pieces are used to spread the load on weak structures.

what did you understand by shoring ?

Shoring is a general term used in construction to describe the process of supporting a structure in order to prevent collapse so that construction can proceed. The phrase can also be used as a noun to refer to the Buildings- It is used to support the beams and floors in a building while a column or wall is removed. In this situation vertical supports are used as a temporary replacement for the building columns or walls.
Trenches - During excavation, shoring systems provide safety for workers in a trench and speed excavation. In this case, shoring should not be confused with shielding. Shoring is designed to prevent collapse where shielding is only designed to protect workers when collapses occur. Concrete structures shoring, in this case also referred to as falsework, provides temporary support until the concrete becomes hard and achieves the desired strength to support loads. [1]
Ships - It is used on board when damage has been caused to a vessel's integrity, and to hold leak-stopping devices in place to reduce or stop incoming water. Generally consists of timber 100 mm x 100 mm and used in conjunction with wedges, to further jam shoring in place, pad pieces to spread the load and dogs to secure it together. also used on board is mechanical shoring as a quick, temporary solution, however it isn't favoured due to its inability to move with the vessel.

component of a good stair

Stair Terminology

Baluster/Spindle - the vertical member, plain or decorative,
that acts as the infill between the handrail and baserail (or
tread if cut string).
Balustrading - the collective name for the complete assembly
of handrails, baserails, newels, spindles and caps.
Bullnose Step - usually at the bottom of the stairs with one or
both ends of the step having a quarter circle design.
Closed String - a string with the face housed/trenched to
accommodate treads and risers so their profile cannot be seen.
Continuous Handrail - using straight lengths of handrail
connected to handrail fittings and ramps, the handrail flows over
the tops of newel turnings creating a continuous run of handrail.
Curtail Step - a decorative shaped step at the bottom of the
stairs usually accommodating the volute and volute newel
turning of the Continuous Handrail System.
Cut or Open String - a string with the upper edge cut away
to the shape of the treads and risers so that their profile can be
seen from the side.
Going - the going of a flight of stairs is the horizontal distance
between the face of the first and last risers. The individual
going of a step is measured from face of riser to face of riser
and for domestic use should be a minimum of 220mm.
Newel - accommodates the strings, handrails and treads/risers
of stairs.
Nosing - the edge of the tread projecting beyond the face of
the riser and the face of a cut string.
OAS - OAS refers to the width of the Staircase = Width Overall Strings.
Pitch - the angle between the pitch line and the horizontal.
Pitch Line - the notional line connecting the nosings of all
treads in a flight of stairs.
Rake - the pitch of the stairs.
Rise - the rise of a flight is the vertical distance between the
floors or landings connected by the flight. The individual rise is
the vertical measurement from top of tread to top of tread.
Riser - the board that forms the face of the step. The
maximum individual rise for domestic flights is 220mm.
Staircase - the entire structure relating to a stair, comprising
steps, treads, risers, strings, balustrading, landings etc.
Stairway/Stairwell - the space/void provided for the stairs.
Stelten - Stelten is the Handrail Fixing we use on our Staircases
Stelten is Short for Steel Tenon
Step - the tread and riser combined.
String Margin - the distance between the top of the string
and the pitch line measured at 90° to the pitch line.
Tread - the top or horizontal surface of a step.
Volute - The detail like a Scroll at the entry of a handrail, sometimes called a Monkey's Tail, - New Ascending Volute
Wall String - the string of a staircase fixed flush with a wall.
Winders - are radiating steps narrower at one end that are
used to change the direction of a stairs through 90° or 180°.

Friday, 22 November 2013

7 Fabulous Fitness Role Models for Moms

a fitness blogger recently posted a picture of her well-toned self and her three kids with a caption that reads, "What's Your Excuse?" She claimed that her intention was to say that if she can do it with her three kids, everyone else can do it too. Because that's how it works, right? Whatever you think of her post or whether you believe that her intentions were genuine, my general feeling is that role models do not typically announce themselves as role models. Instead, they simply lead by example. Then again, she did land herself on a gazillion interviews because of that post, so maybe it's just me. The other day I was talking to a friend of mine about that whole controversy. She has two daughters, and our conversation moved onto how few female role models there are in pop culture for girls to look up to right now. When it comes to fitness, at least there are a few great role models for us moms. They are mothers with realistic bodies and high-profile, time-consuming careers who still make a strong effort to put fitness on their priority list. Here are 8 fabulous fitness role models for moms (and for all women, for that matter). -By Jessica Cohen

Dad Films Premature Son's Miraculous First Year

Ward Miles Miller is a happy, pudgy 16-month-old Ohio boy who likes chasing the family dog and slurping green smoothies. But when he was born, 15 weeks prematurely, he weighed not quite a pound and a half, and required a host of machines to keep him alive during his 107-day stay in the hospital’s newborn intensive care unit. Parents Benjamin and Lyndsey didn’t know if he would survive. Now a short vedio of Ward’s first year, created by his photographer dad as a birthday gift for his mom, is serving as a testament to the boy’s fighting spirit and captivating viewers worldwide. “The response has been great—so many people have shared how it’s touched their lives,” Benjamin, 29, a Columbus-based wedding and portrait photographer, tells Yahoo Shine. “I’ve been blown away.”The 7-minute video, which he uploaded to Vimeo two weeks ago, has been viewed 169,000 times. And it’s growing in popularity during what happens to be National Prematurity Awareness Month, as promoted by the March of Dimes and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Benjamin shot his seven-minute film on a handheld Canon 5D camera, capturing moving moments from Ward’s first year of life. It begins with the scary first days in the NICU, and with Lyndsey carefully picking up her fragile baby for the first time. Once she gets him to her chest, after nurses help move away the host of medical wires and tubes attached to his tiny body, she’s overwhelmed with emotion and begins to cry. “I felt the same way watching—so happy, but then it sort of sets in what’s happening,” he explains. “I definitely cried while I was making [the film]. There’s a moment here when the camera is shaky, but I didn’t want to cut it, because it wasn’t about the perfect moments.”

Baby Miles with mom and dad in the NICU. Photo: Benjamin Scot Behind the scenes, he adds, were even harder moments, such as when they were told Ward had bleeding on both sides of his brain. “It could’ve meant nothing but scary things,” including the possibility that the boy would never walk, he says. (But it stopped, and Ward appears to be healthy.) Also painful was getting to know the other NICU parents and watching what they went through, including, in some cases, the deaths of their newborns. “It just breaks your heart,” Benjamin says. “You almost feel guilty walking out of there with your baby.”The film goes on to show Ward’s transformation—from a delicate, tube-fed preemie who cannot breathe on his own to a happy, healthy baby who eventually nurses from a bottle, smiles and giggles with his mom, and devours his first-birthday cake to the point it makes him vomit. That, Benjamin notes, is a result of his having an irritable throat; feeding issues are common with premature babies. In the U.S., according to the CDC, one in eight babies is born premature, or at least three weeks before the due date; it’s a rate that’s gone up by 36 percent over the last 25 years. The babies account for a large proportion of infant deaths, and those that survive face many health risks, including possible cerebral palsy, speech issues, vision and hearing problems and, like Ward, feeding disorders. Dealing with a newborn preemie, notes Kelli Kelley, founder of Hand to Hold, a national support network for parents of preterm babies, “is a very isolating experience.” Kelley was particularly taken with Benjamin’s video, and wrote to him Thursday about the possibility of using it for educational purposes. “I just sat there and sobbed because that is my same story,” she tells Yahoo Shine of her reaction to the film, referring to the birth of her now healthy 13-year-old son. “I was remembering what it felt like to hold my baby, that weighed basically a pound, for the first time, and it had such a profound impact, because that’s not what you envision. I was so scared to love my baby, because I didn’t know if he would survive.”

Friday, 1 November 2013

Goodluck Insulted Muslims By Going To Jerusalem On Pilgrimage (Opinion By Sheikh Gumi)

By Sheikh Gumi
I am not a keen political commentator probably because my brain also filters information through the prism of religion, but I definitely now believe that Mr. Jonathan is neither a politician nor does he mean well for other Nigerians.
His ‘tourism’ to Israel is a big political blunder, I said tourism because it’s never in the annals of true Christianity to partake pilgrimage as it’s a cardinal tenets of Islam to go on such pilgrimage to three most Ancient mosques in the World. In a hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Huraira, the prophet – peace be upon him was quoted as saying: “No religious journey is allowed except to three mosques”. They are the Makkah mosque, the Medina mosque and the Jerusalem mosque.
Nigeria along with many other African and world countries has sided with the plight of the Palestinians that were forced out of their homeland, killed and scattered. There are still Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and all over the world. They are prevented from entering their mother land just because it was confiscated by the western powers with Israel used as a ‘front’. It’s a share case of colonization with expulsion of the rightful occupants. For this reason no Nigerian president in the past, Muslim or Christian has visited Israel in order not to honor such injustice.
Today Nigeria riddled with insurmountable political, economic and social problems, our least priority is a state visit to a controversial state where human suffering is the norm of the day. What do we stand to gain from Israel? For one, the Jews -I am saying this without any prejudice- are traditionally known to be misers while we African are seldom not beggars. Charity is not in there lexicon. Jesus – alaihis Salam- has condemned them in the most explicable terms no other human has done. ‘Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?’M’t:23:33.
In the Quran, Jews were also cursed with misery and lowliness; they can only parasite on other nations to survive and on Allah’s mercy on occasions. Allah said: “ Shame is pitched over them (Like a tent) wherever they are found, except when under a covenant (of protection) from Allah and from men; they draw on themselves wrath from Allah, and pitched over them is (the tent of) destitution. This because they rejected the Signs of Allah, and slew the prophets in defiance of right; this because they rebelled and transgressed beyond bounds”. Q3/112
Notherless the Quran in fairness said “Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of Allah all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. “ Q3/113.
What concern us now, is that Jonathan has succumbed to the pressure to support the Jews at the detriment of the oppressed Palestinians and the teaming millions of Nigerians living under the most appalling conditions, our children out of schools, and the ostentatious life style of his ministers, cronies and oil thieves.
If Jonathan wants religious peace in Nigeria, his visit to a religiously controversial state is a mistake. The message is that he is insensitive to Muslim’s sensibility. There is share recklessness in such an adventure. Truly Islam has enjoined Muslims to interact, mutually benefit with the Jews in business and marriage. Muslims are allowed to eat their food, therefore it should be understood that the Muslim’s apathy towards them is because of Zionism and the plight of their fellow Muslims. The Jewish experience is Spain under the Muslim rule is well documented. They prefer Muslim’s treatment to the Christians. Even in recent history what the German Nazi did to the Jews cannot be effaced.
My advice to Israel is that they should not interfere with Nigerian problems, treat Mr. Jonathan as a simple tourist. As I also beseech them to facilitate Muslims going on pilgrimage to Jerusalem as instructed by the prophet of Mercy.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Nigeria attack: Students shot dead as they slep

School in Mamudo, Aug 2013 
Suspected Islamist gunmen have attacked a college in north-eastern Nigeria, killing up to 50 students.
The students were shot dead as they slept in their dormitory at the College of Agriculture in Yobe state.
North-eastern Nigeria is under a state of emergency amid an Islamist insurgency by the Boko Haram group.
Boko Haram is fighting to overthrow Nigeria's government to create an Islamic state, and has launched a number of attacks on schools.
Classrooms burned Casualty figures from the latest attack vary, but a local politician told the BBC that around 50 students had been killed.
The politician said two vanloads of bodies had been taken to a hospital in Yobe's state capital,Damaturu

Boko Haram at-a-glance

  • Founded in 2002
  • Official Arabic name, Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'awati wal-Jihad, means "People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet's Teachings and Jihad"
  • Initially focused on opposing Western education
  • Nicknamed Boko Haram, a phrase in the local Hausa language meaning, "Western education is forbidden"
  • Launches military operations in 2009 to create an Islamic state across Nigeria
  • Founding leader Mohammed Yusuf killed in same year in police custody
  • Succeeded by Abubakar Shekau, who the military wrongly claimed in 2009 had been killed
  • Suspected to have split into rival factions in 2012
  • Military claims in August 2013 that Mr Shekau and his second-in-command Momodu Bama have been killed in separate attacks; no independent confirmation
A witness quoted by Reuters news agency counted 40 bodies at the hospital, mostly those of young men believed to be students.
College provost Molima Idi Mato, speaking to Associated Press, also said the number of dead could be as high as 50, adding that security forces were still recovering the bodies and that about 1,000 students had fled the campus.
A Nigerian military source told AP that soldiers had collected 42 bodies.
The gunmen also set fire to classrooms, a military spokesman in Yobe state, Lazarus Eli, told Agence France-Presse.
The college is in the rural Gujba district.
In May, President Goodluck Jonathan ordered an operation against Boko Haram, and a state of emergency was declared for the north-east on 14 May.
Many of the Islamist militants left their bases in the north-east and violence initially fell, but revenge attacks quickly followed.
In June, Boko Haram carried out two attacks on schools in the region.
At least nine children were killed in a school on the outskirts of Maiduguri, while 13 students and teachers were killed in a school in Damaturu.
In July in the village of Mamudo in Yobe state, Islamist militants attacked a school's dormitories with guns and explosives, killing at least 42 people, mostly students.
Boko Haram regards schools as a symbol of Western culture. The group's name translates as "Western education is forbidden".
Boko Haram is led by Abubakar Shekau. The Nigerian military said in August that it might have killed him in a shoot-out.